Random dancing–just let it flow

I heard the most fabulous song on the radio yesterday.  I have no idea what it’s called or who sings it though.  All I can really recall is that she was saying something like “give me what i really want” while speaking, of course, of relationships.  I love the words of it and really want to post it *as soon as i figure out what it’s called*.  I am a radio station switcher.  See, I just like what I like.  Doesn’t matter what style of music it is, if I don’t like the song that’s playing, I will switch until I find a better one.  🙂

Using my great powers of telepathy, I was switching stations like a mo-fo in hopes that someone would hear my thoughts and just play the freakin song already!  You know?  My powers weren’t working today *sigh* but I did happen upon another song that I love.   Actually, I am adding it to this post and have been looking for a video with an embed code.  During this process, I have listened to the song 3 times.  Each time I hear it, I pause to dance.  Either here in my chair, or just around the living room.  A challenge for you all then–I don’t care who you are, everyone should dance sometime.  Doesn’t matter if you are the worst dancer in the world *worse than Elaine on Seinfeld even* just get up and get your groove on!  Look around.  Is there anyone else with you?  There.  You have a partner.  Play this song now and move your body, let the beat carry your worries away.  I challenge you–NO–I double-dog dare you!  Do it! 


aren’t you dancing yet?  my word–you’ll feel good 

~ by autumnmist on March 2, 2009.

5 Responses to “Random dancing–just let it flow”

  1. I love Duffy, too. That song is fantastic.

    autumn says: i know. just fabulous!

  2. That song your couldn’t figure out wasn’t the Spice Girls? They had a song with those lyrics!

    autumn says: i have had that spice girls song stuck in my head since i read this comment. nope, not that one. i’ve never heard it before. not fast, yet not really slow either. i just liked the words.

  3. Yes … I shook it 😉

    autumn says: that’s good to hear. 😉

  4. I have that song on my iPod as well as my playlist on my computer. My daughter and I love to dance to that song. 🙂

    autumn says: it’s so much fun to dance with children. my young one will still shake it with me sometimes, but he usually just laughs at me dancing instead. it’s a good one for sure. 🙂

  5. I’ll listen when I get home. Dancing is frown on at work. Although, that’s a place you really NEED to dance sometimes. Unfortunately, I’m a metal/hard rock fan, don’t listen to pop unless I’m forced so I may not be able to help with the unknown song. 🙂

    autumn says: i enjoy hard rock and some metal as well–but as you know, but love of hip hop over rides sometimes. i am still perplexed about the song, but i’ll hear it again i’m sure. did you get a chance to dance? that’s a nice soulfull one.

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